Sunday, April 29, 2007

So I guess Starbucks phished me.

This is scary because I am a pretty savvy computer user and tend to notice when urls don't match or when emails aren't coming from where they say they're coming from. But how else to explain why my MySpace account was used to post ads for Starbucks on most of my friends' pages?

I guess it's a good thing I don't have that many friends. :P

I've changed my password, but at this point I'd almost rather close my account. I hardly ever use MySpace anyway. But there are people I can really only keep in touch with through MySpace, damn it, so I guess I will just have to deal with it.

What a load of shit. Fuck MySpace. And fuck Starbucks too.

(Sorry, Mom.)


David said...

Why would Starbucks be involved in something like this?

Or is it going to be someone else looking to make something out of some kind of affiliate scheme?

Anonymous said...

I'd assume it's a third party person, as well. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks, I STILL think they're smarter than to go phishing accounts --especially MYSPACE?!-- and being personally responsible for their name having something as negative as phishing associated with it.

And how come you're not in MY list of friends? We need to rectify this situation. I use Myspace to keep in touch with lots of my other US friends.. :)

Heather Meadows said...

Well, I don't know what your account is :>

And yes, even though I was tired and upset over something far more important than phishing last night, the thought did vaguely occur to me that it was pretty fucking stupid for a corporation to be involved in phishing. An affiliate program makes sense.

Fake Starbucks coupon comments are all over MySpace. I googled to see if anyone was saying anything about it and couldn't find hardly anything other than people on MySpace talking about all the weird comments.

Christopher said...

Wait you have a Myspace? And how come no one knows about it? We need to rectify this situtation indeed....

Heather Meadows said...


Well, I don't use it for much. But you can add me if you want: