Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bellydance photos

Here are the photos I took of Alchemy dance troupe this morning.

We started off at 8th Street under the arbor and along the old storefronts, then moved to the Riverwalk staircases and amphitheatre overlook, and finally went over to North Augusta to get some shots along the Greeneway.

Here are the shots I like the most:

This one is my absolute favorite :>

This one didn't come out as centered as I wanted, but that's what cropping is for.

Alchemy will be selecting one photo for use in a calendar of bellydancers. That photo will probably be color enhanced, cropped, and possibly otherwise manipulated. It should be interesting to see. I'll try to get a copy of the final version they use. If I do, I'll post it!


Brooke said...

Beautiful photos, Heather!!

And of course, MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!! :D

Great job!! I can't wait to see which one they choose for the calendar!!

What an ultra sexy bunch of females to come across, and in some of the cooler looking places in Augusta/North Augusta, too... ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for doing this Heather. I'll definitely send you a version of the pic we end up choosing. Out of curiosity, keeping in mind that we'd like a shot that doesn't show our faces which shot would you guys choose, Heather and Brookie, for the calendar?

Heather Meadows said...

You're welcome!

I would probably pick either the first one linked in this post, the one in this post overlooking the river, or the wide shot of you all on the path. Sorry to pick three, but I'm torn!

In the first one, there's plenty of visual interest, and the lighting is good so the colors pop. I love the shadows.

The amphitheater one has a calm beauty to it, and I love the framing by the columns.

And the one on the path keeps drawing my eye because the comparatively solid colors of green and gray really make the bright bellydance costumes stand out.

So...definitely one of those three :>

Brooke said...

My favorites are (and in no sort of order):
because I LOVE the look of hips and colorful fabric, and amazing jewelry, and it all gets THAT MUCH BETTER because there are SIX of you, although Brandie gets kind of lost at the end. :(

I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS ONE!! and I think it's because of all the colors, textures, and the fact that all six of you are seen a little more evenly. ;)

I love THIS one, too: but again, it's the same issue with not getting to really see Kristin and Mari, this time. :(

This one I like, too, but I want to turn everyone's head towards the sun, so it's just bodies and backs of gorgeously decorated heads, since you want pics that don't show y'all's faces.
This one, too, is one I'm drawn to.. :)

I also really like several of the ones taken along the path at the Greeneway, and off to the side, in the lush green vines and grass, and all. I'm not much of a help, I guess. :(

I guess, too, that I need to consider that some cropping and manipulating of colors and stuff like that will happen, too. I know if I had the chance to do the manipulating, it'd just be to crop some edges, and make the colors a bit brighter; you know, like I did with the "glowing fish" on my blog. Really make the colors POP, like really surreal, over-ripened fruits, you know?? ;)

SIGH.... BUT HEY, that's just MY two pence worth.