Thursday, January 10, 2008

Danger, Will Robinson!


David said...

Looks like the scene in the bacta tank in Empire Strikes Back!

Brooke said...

Yeah, that WOULD be MY husband who made the Star Wars comment.

I seriously think you and Sean should get over here soon, so you can totally reprimand the E.M.!

I hope you get your cpap working tonight, keep us up on how you're coming with getting adjusted to it at home!

(Hey, J.A.!! Long time no see! Miss you!)

Heather Meadows said...

Well, you know me...I don't mind being compared to my favorite movie ;> Although I think Luke's mask covered his mouth and nose, and mine just covers my nose (not that you can tell from that picture).

We will know whether or not we can make the trip sometime in February, when Sean finds out if his company gets the contract again for the next few years. As soon as I have vacation days again (I have used them all for this year but will get more on my hiring anniversary, which also happens to be in February) I'm going to take one day just to deal with paperwork errands, like getting my passport taken care of.

I've been thinking of getting that picture of you and my mom printed so I can put it on my desk at work with my other pictures :) I've got our wedding photo, Sean at the zoo, Connor and Logan eating sausage balls, and you, Mari and me at my birthday that time we went to putt putt. There's room for one more ;>