Thursday, January 24, 2008

Look at my new table OMG

I went shopping for clothes today. So obviously I came home with a table and a fake orchid ;>

It all started at Cato, where I actually did get some clothes. But when I went to Target on the recommendation of Lisa at work, I remembered why I never buy clothes at Target: the women's section and the maternity section are essentially the same, and I don't want to buy maternity clothes by mistake :P

But I did enjoy wheeling my cart through the furniture section, and it was there that I found my beautiful table and orchid, along with some mirrors, a shiny red tray, and a little lamp.

Okay, so I'm compulsive. But I love the way that bit of wall looks with that little table on it. So...finished. :)


Anonymous said...

It does look good, I must admit. Jasmine

Brooke said...

Oooooh, in ONE MONTH, I'll get to stand in your place, and SEE IT FOR MYSELF!! :D

Brooke said...

Oh, and I DO like how it looks; I can't tell how tall it is, though, but I think that's just the camera angle.

Heather Meadows said...

It's about the height of a coffee table. It seems too short to go there until you add the orchid, and then it fits the space pretty well. (At least, I think it does...)

One month? YAY!

Anonymous said...

You are the most compulsive taker of pictures containing random inanimate objects EVER. (I keep waiting for the gallery of burritos to show up!)

Heather Meadows said...

Hey...they're not random! :>

Brooke said...

Mmmmm, a gallery of burritos.

I haven't been able to get a burrito in I can't TELL you how long!!

You want a donner kebab, no problem, but you want a burrito? Sorry, game over.


Adds burrito to "Trip Home" list. (That burrito will probably turn into a taco salad, but hey, I'm NOT complaining!!)

Maya said...

Wow. I love the mirrors!

You have great taste.

Heather Meadows said...

Wow, thank you!