Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mr. Razumihin

I received this awesome spam at work:

I love it. You know Mr. Razumihin. Of course you do. He's not a bad fellow!


Brooke said...

Ahhhhh, Mr. Razumihin; yes, I know him. He's NOT a bad fellow, not one bit.

You get better spam than I do. Since about November I've been getting that really boring, really old and easily spotted phishing email about all that money that I'm supposed to be getting from some obscure African bank, but it's too large an amount for ME to be involved with it, especially since I didn't know I had it to begin with, so the lawyer's handling it, and he's put it in an account that I can easily have transferred to my usual bank if I send them all of my personal info and bank account number.

I don't get cool stuff like "Kinkwy TEEBNSDyckes in Ofcficse Lickiyng Boobws", endorsed by THE Mr. Razumihin. Pretty snazzy.

Chuck said...

My most entertaining spam ever was the spam from the time traveler.

Funny stuff.