Thursday, October 21, 2004

I love it when people sigh and high-handedly complain about their Windows PCs

No, really, I do. I mean, I think it's great that so many stupid people feel the need to blame Windows for their deficiencies.

Look, people. If Windows is so horrible, then why aren't you using a different OS? And if you're so smart, why can't you figure out how to keep your Windows box stable and virus-free?

Really, this is just one example of a broader pet peeve of mine: people who lounge around on IRC bitching about things they could change or fix if they would just use their fucking brains. The most annoying thing about those people is what they say when you point this fact out.

"Meh...I'm too lazy."



B Goei said...

i'm pretty sure that this post's language single-handedly prevented me from accessing anything here.

p.s.- i agree. they should shut the fuck up.

p.p.s.- i'm glad to agree because this marks the first time in 4 years that i've been able to use the 'f' word on my computer

Heather Meadows said...

hehe...sorry ^^;;;

I'm glad you were finally able to see my site again. Hopefully the bad words will scroll off the main page soon...

And sorry for that comment of mine on your journal...hopefully censoring it will help.