Friday, October 22, 2004

Japan suffers lettuce shortage--prices skyrocket

Seriously, people have died in these typhoons. Lettuce must be very important to warrant its own article.


B Goei said...

well, let's check the trail:

lettuce is what turtles eat
the teenage mutant ninja turtles were green
green is the color of wasabi
wasabi is a condiment for sushi
sushi is famously japanese
japan is where the typhoons are

so you see, lettuce decides the fate of japan. *cough*

B Goei said...

well, let's check the trail:

lettuce is what turtles eat
the teenage mutant ninja turtles were green
green is the color of wasabi
wasabi is a condiment for sushi
sushi is famously japanese
japan is where the typhoons are

so you see, lettuce decides the fate of japan. *cough*

B Goei said...

well, let's check the trail:

lettuce is what turtles eat
the teenage mutant ninja turtles fought shredder
a shredder is also a kitchen utensil
kitchen utensils are used to prepare food
a kind of food is sushi
sushi is famously japanese
japan is where the typhoons are

so you see, lettuce decides the fate of japan. *cough*

Heather Meadows said...

...of COURSE!

Why didn't I see it before?!