Thursday, October 14, 2004

Vibrators! Plus, my conscience appears

I thought I'd embrace sexuality with my followup post, and point out two items that are presented as being for children, and yet...somehow...are not.

Of course, the previous post has me thinking a lot about sexual harrassment, so I wanted to ask my little readership (that's not a crack about the size of your genitalia!) if you think I should have a separate section for more "profane" things.

When I was younger, I was on a friend's email list. He used to send out really funny jokes, but he also sent out sexual ones. At the time, I wasn't very open-minded, and the jokes really bothered me. I asked him if he could make two separate email lists, one for sending regular jokes, and one for sending everything. He said that was too much of a bother, and that it wasn't his job to protect his readers from the real world. I replied that it wasn't his job to shatter his readers' innocence, either, and that if he truly considered me a friend, he would consider my suggestion.

Of course, I'm pretty sure most of the people who read this site aren't "innocent" and don't really give a flip, but I don't want to bother anybody :/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First, I don't think one can qualify unwanted sexual refences in a blog as harrassment. The reader has the option of not reading. There doesn't seem to be any information listed on the blog that couldn't be gathered in another manner. So You can feel free to be personally offended if anyone accuses you of anything romotely like Harrassment.

Of course, that wasn't what you were asking. I'm just pointing out that this is space you use to express yourself, and it really isn't your job to protect your readership's sensibilities. Indeed, the nature of the format almost demands that the reader be willing to accept the side of you that is presented in these pages.

THAT said--and keeping in mind that this blog is about you--whether you choose to separate the off color musing into a spearate blog or not is mostly up to you. I doesn't bother me either way.

There is that "mostly" in there. Quite aside from the laudable intent to cater to your friends' sensibilities, there may be public decency laws to take into account. I think it depends on how "blue" you intend to get.

And that's my $2.00.
