Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Lunar eclipse

I just found out about this, like, five minutes ago. Here's a picture:

digital zoom didn't save me

It's hard to get a picture of celestial objects without, like, a telescope, and a tripod :/

Update 9:45:

Update 9:52:

Update 10:00:

Ridiculous Update 10:10:

Here, I was trying to show what the shape was like as well as the color. It's really impossible to see what I was actually seeing, though. The shadowed part of the moon was a very deep red color.

Another Ridiculous Update 10:25:

I really wish I could show you what it actually looks like. 2007 isn't too far off; I'll make it a goal to have decent equipment by then.

The Eclipse, Updated 10:42:

It happened! And it looks pretty richly red:

Really neat. (And impossible to make out in these pictures ;P)


B Goei said...

dammit, i was working indoors during the first half, and because of the storms over here, the sky was overcast the second half. plus the fact that i didn't know there was an eclipse at all...

B Goei said...

well this ought to be the last comment i make here for a while. in a few hours i'll be taking the plunge back into filtered obscurity. don't worry about holding your tongue on future posts. i'll manage to check whenever i can.

Heather Meadows said...

Since Blogger doesn't do trackback (yet?)...

I discovered via Bloglines (yay for the "References" feature!) that I was linked by this post in this blog...and this is a person who apparently works with Mozilla on Firefox. Keen!

Too bad these pictures are so horrible!

Heather Meadows said...

I posted a comment earlier. Here's me posting another comment to hopefully force the first one through.

This comment system is not ideal.