Tuesday, November 16, 2004

AJ, I saw American Beauty Sunday night

So you can scratch it off your huge list of "Movies Heather Needs To See". :>

I really, really enjoyed the movie. It was tragic, yet life-affirming. It made me really want to, as the tagline goes, "look closer".

Everyone, I highly recommend American Beauty.

About the only thing I don't like about it is the title.

I may do some sort of review later, when I've had more time to digest it. Maybe after I've watched it again. For now, though, I know Sam hasn't seen it, and I don't want to spoil it for him or for anyone else.

So, your homework, children, is to rent American Beauty. Sound off when you've watched it ;D


Anonymous said...

I LURVE American Beauty!! It's definitely one of my all time favorite movies, and yea, there IS a big life affirming element to it. I can't say enough about it. Kevin Spacey, AND his hot weed dealer? Damn, what a movie!! Wow, did I really make that shallow, or what? No, it's a great and thought provoking movie, and I can really feel a lot of it. Did that sound stupid?


Heather Meadows said...



It's hard to express yourself about something like that, I think...which is why I want to take my time to write whatever "review" or "response" I will eventually come up with.

B Goei said...

wow, had i known you hadn't seen american beauty yet, i would've been on your case. i love the movie as well, and it makes you think, which is what makes, in my opinion, a good movie. i'm looking forward to reading your review if it ever materializes.


Heather Meadows said...