Monday, November 29, 2004


"The stem cell transplantation was performed on Oct. 12 this year and in just three weeks she started to walk with the help of a walker," Song told reporters at a news conference in Seoul.
I wish Christopher Reeve could have seen this.

1 comment:

Heather Meadows said...

Actually, Bush awarded funding to umbilical cord stem cell research. He is, however, against creating a human life for the sole purpose of harvesting cells--and so am I. Please see this transcript of Bush's radio address with his decision concerning stem cell research. Two snippets:

"Research on embryonic stem cells also raises profound ethical questions because extracting the stem cell destroys the embryo, and thus destroys the potential for life."


"I also believe that great scientific progress can be made through aggressive federal funding of research on umbilical cord, placenta, adult and animal stem cells, which do not involve the same moral dilemma. This year [2001] the government will spend $250 million on this important research."

The Korean breakthrough came through umbilical cord stem cells, as I discussed here. Here's some neat info on stem cell research in general.