Saturday, November 13, 2004

Holy crap! These people really wanted to get into the U.S.

Inspectors at border checkpoints have seen it all: people rolled inside carpets, sewn into car seats and stuffed into washing machines, all attempting to be smuggled into the United States.

But inspectors at the Tecate Port of Entry discovered a new twist recently when they encountered a little girl meticulously sealed inside a pinata.
That's just crazy!


Cheesus Crust said...

Yeah, people do crazy things to get inside the U.S. Down here in Flor-i-duh we had a family of Cubans retrofit a trucks axels with propellers drive it across the Caribbean Sea to Miami Beach. I think we should have let them stay, we need innovative people like that here.

Also, did you know that sometimes Mexicans will smuggle dead babies stuffed with cocaine across the border? People do crazy stuff to get anything in the US weather it be drugs or people. It's amazing.

Heather Meadows said...
