Friday, November 26, 2004

I live

"You never updated your blog," AJ said tonight as we sat in his basement watching Spider-Man on Fox, "to tell all your friends you made it here safe."

So, here's a post, telling you I made it here safe. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know you made it there safe; of course, at the time I'm finding this post, you and Sean are probably headed back this way, now. You two be safe, and I guess I'll know you got home safe when I see your blog... ;) Heheeheh!!


Heather Meadows said...

Yes, we were on our way home at that time :) We left my parents' house at around 5:30, and after visiting Grandma, we were on the road at something like 6:30...not sure. Anyhow, we made it home, and I actually have no idea what time it was when we got in, because all I focused on was getting my stuff into the house, brushing my teeth, changing into nightclothes, and falling into bed...