Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I am so uncomfortable right now. If you don't want to read about my period, skip this post.

You've been warned.

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

I have had to change my tampon every two hours since last night. I woke up in the middle of the night about to leak everywhere. Tonight promises to be no different, except now I have the added bonus of the irritation of jerking stuff out of myself and cramming more stuff back in repeatedly for the past 24 hours. Let's just say that my vagina is not pleased.

I feel like I am impaled on a huge spike, and little bursts of pain are tingling out away from the spike and dancing through my abdomen, especially the back of my hips. And my lower back hurts--it's been hurting for days now. I worked through it by moving furniture and staying active the other day, and it felt better, but it never quite subsided, and sitting down or going to bed always makes it worse.

Since this amount of blood flow is abnormal for me, I called the doctor, so now I have to go have bloodwork done in the morning, and then go see her at 1. We are supposed to leave for Kentucky tomorrow, for Thanksgiving. I guess we'll be getting in late, if we manage to go at all. Especially if I'm still having to change my freaking tampon every two hours.

This totally sucks and I hate it.


Anonymous said...

Heya, HeaHea!! :)

I hope everything goes well with the bloodwork, too; I can relate to your saying what a pain all of that is.

Just think, though, what could come of it all at some point in the future? :) I personally would find it all worth it.....:D

and p.s.:
Regarding your back, if it bothers you whilst you're sleeping, have you tried sleeping on your side, with your legs bent, and your back straight, rather like the "fetal position"? It's one of the healthiest ways of sleeping, regarding back health, anyway. ALSO, when you're sitting, watch your posture, that can be a BIG help regarding back pain. You could also try one of those cushions with the area cut out of the back, or the hole in them; you know the ones I'm speaking of? They're supposed to be very good for the coccyx and the rest of the spine, although, I must say, I've not used one personally, only heard about them. Some other things you can try are changes in your exercising; you may have to try exercising for a shorter amount of time, or at a lower intensity. Sometimes, however, you need to INCREASE physical activity to help alleviate backpain, but the only time an INCREASE HELPED me was when I was recovering from a pinched nerve and I basically had to learn to walk all over again. I realized the other day, I'm going on 4 years now without any sort of backpain, or any residual pinched nerve problems; GOOD LUCK with it, Heather, and I hope you'll be feeling like your usual self, soon!! :D

Heather Meadows said...

Thanks, guys :)

Brookie, I typically wake up several times in the night--our bed sucks--and each time I change positions. I sleep on my left side, on my right side, and on my back, alternately.

I would love to try one of those back pillows for sitting. Right now I am using one of the dining room chairs with the cushion because the folding chair is just too painful to sit in. It's helped, but I'd really prefer a real chair...;P

Ah well, off to Mullins Lab...