Saturday, February 12, 2005

Depleted uranium

From Japan Today:

Abbas A-Ali Al-Malky, who is believed to have contracted leukemia from depleted uranium used in the Iraq war
Wait, they're still on that?

Okay, this is getting irritating. Many intelligent people have rationally explained that depleted uranium is not dangerous. But so many people claim otherwise.

Is this going to be like the global warming debate?

I realize that we all like to try and find a reason for everything. Hell, I know better than anyone. Nobody has a clue why I got leukemia, and that is really annoying. But isn't it wrong to use this child's death to make a political point that is not supported by science?


Anonymous said...

You know, as crazy as it is, I think I'm leaning towards Mom's belief that it was the Zithromax that did you in. The more I think about that 1% of cases of this that or the other, the more I wonder if Leukemia could be another result of antibiotics attacking bone marrow and creating weird cells.

She said you always have to have smaller doses than suggested, though all I have on that is what she said - that usually half a dose does good for you where others need a full dose.

Zithromax, of course, is a five-day WHAM WHAM WHAM sort of antibiotic, which does mean it attacks that bone marrow more aggressively than your standard antibiotic. And maybe that off-chance 1% just happened to come your way when you took it.

Of course, I've never met anyone else that had any trouble with it, including myself. So it is crazy. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Heather Meadows said...

Hmm, the lowercase seems to be the "theme" on Blogger's comment post page. It's in the correct case on my site, fortunately.

I'm not going to count out the Zithromax possibility, but remember that there were two other people at the University of Alabama Huntsville who ended up with leukemia at the same time as me. One was on the track team, and the other was the bus driver for the track team. My connection? My roommate was on the track team.

So, you see, it could be the Zithromax, or it could be a huge track team conspiracy.

(And I wasn't "done in"!!!)