Friday, February 4, 2005

"One in every 15 Georgians are either on parole, probation, or already in prison."


...yeah, this is a great place to live!

(From WAGT News.)

(Also, that quote is ungrammatical. The objects of the verb "are" should be in parallel; to correct the problem, simply add "on" before the word "probation". Otherwise, it's like they're saying some Georgians "are on already in prison". Yes, I am anal, but I also point these things out because of a paranoid fear that one of you will notice one that I didn't mention, and think that I missed it. I didn't miss it!!!)

1 comment:

Heather Meadows said...

Gah! Yes, I did miss that one. God. Now that you've pointed it out, it's going to annoy me forever.

They were just talking about this sort of thing over on Language Log the other day. That sort of error used to leap out at me; I'm not sure what happened in this case ;_;