Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm at home waiting for my pupils to, uh, de-dilate. It's taking forever. Then again, it's been forever since I've had an eye appointment, so I guess fair's fair.

When I'm good to go again I'll head back over to the eye place and see about getting my new glasses--it's kind of hard to select frames when you can't see them--and then go to my regular doctor to force him to figure something out about my allergies.

After that I'll finally head in to work.

Bleh, I've had way too many doctors' appointments lately...


Brooke said...

COOL!! Can't wait to see your new specs when I get there!! :)

Hope they get your allergies sorted, that SO sucks! I use Flonase every day (even over here) and it makes a dramatic difference for me! It's like my allergist told me, a lot of MY allergy problems were causing "quality of life" issues, and not serious HEALTH issues, so once I got my allergies under control I felt so much better to INCREDIBLE DEGREES!

Heather Meadows said...

I guess since the inhaler and Benadryl didn't seem to be doing anything, my doctor doesn't think it's allergies. I'm going to be seeing an ear, nose and throat person, a pulmonary specialist, and a sleep specialist...

As far as new specs, I went for non-glare, transitions lenses, which were expensive enough on their own, so I'm just having them put them in my current frames.'s hard to take a picture of your own eye ;)

Heather said...

BLECCCHHHH! I hate having my eyes dilated. And I have really bad eyes so it happens every 2 years or so. You can't drive or read or watch TV, and everyone thinks you're going to devour their souls.

Good times.

Heather Meadows said...

I was sort of able to watch a few episodes of Batman: The Animated Series (which is like seriously one of the greatest shows ever) while my pupils were dilated, but I sure as hell couldn't do anything on the computer. Oddly, I also couldn't see things right in front of me unless I took my glasses off.

Brooke said...

I've never had a problem doing anything while I've had my eyes dilated; I just go about my normal routines, sort of pissed off that things don't look different, or I can't NOTICE a difference.

The yellow crusty junk that seeps out of my eyes and dries out is probably the most interesting --even if it IS gross-- part of the whole process for me.

Chuck said...

My near vision gets screwed up when I have my eyes dilated, but it's been a while since I did it. Guess I'm due for another eye exam soon...bleh.

I actually don't wear glasses but I do get my eyes checked every few years. When I started in my current job, someone said I'd probably be wearing glasses within a couple years, due to all the computer work. Twelve years later, I am happy my eyes are still fine.

Heather Meadows said...

That's great :) Glad to hear your eyes are doing well!

My eyes are perfectly healthy too--the doctor actually raved a little about how they were in good shape, which was great to hear in my current state of feeling like I'm falling apart--and my prescription just needed to be a little stronger. It's been over ten years so I was kind of surprised ;>