Saturday, September 15, 2007


Occasionally I wonder if I should care more about stuff like Britney Spears' performance at the VMAs, since blogs and major news organizations and weirdos on YouTube all seem so intent on it. So I do a little research, I see what people are saying--maybe she had a broken heel, maybe she's just going through a rough patch in her life, maybe she was phoning it in and doesn't respect her fans. And I take a look at the actual video in question, which does seem a little lackluster.

But ultimately, I still find no reason to care, and now I've wasted ten minutes of my life.


Chuck said...

I'm kind of like you...I don't really care, but there's just coverage coverage coverage everywhere, and then I figure, well, maybe I should look, and then I'm like...meh, that was a waste of time. But I'll probably do the same thing whenever the next "scandal" occurs.

Heather Meadows said...

Yep...this is why it doesn't really bother me that I don't have cable :>

Most of the time I can resist, but in this case, the whole Chris Crocker angle was too much.