Thursday, September 20, 2007


It always takes me awhile to get through one of Geoffrey Chaucer's posts, because, you know, I don't speak Old English, generally. So when I saw he had a new post up I refrained from reading it, saving it until I had the time to really hunker down.

Today, however, I accidentally loaded the post. As I was going for Bloglines' "keep as new" button, I glanced down to what seemed from the fact that it was all uppercase to be a particularly emotional sentence...and I saw:


Yes. Yes! Chaucer, I love you.

(And I admit it: I love Chris Crocker, too. That video has brought such delight to my life. After all she's been through!)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Chris Crocker's a little cutie in his long hair, and make up.

I leave Britney alone, just because of his empassioned request.

But then again, I didn't think about her too much to start with, anyway.

Loves me some Geoffrey Chaucer posts, too.. ;)