Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Normalizing one's environment

I decided that since the air conditioner is working again at the office, I will keep it on at home as well, to avoid putting my throat and nasal passages through lots of changes all day. At the moment my throat is dry and I'm able to breathe fairly normally.

When I got home I cleaned up a bunch of garbage, vacuumed, and started some laundry. I took all the bedclothes off our bed, intending to wash them, but with one load in the washer and another in the dryer I felt very tired all of a sudden, so I crawled into the spare bed and fell asleep.

I awoke vaguely when Sean came home, opened the door to the second bedroom, and looked at me, and I babbled something to him about thinking I was avoiding an allergen by being in a different room, but that it didn't seem to be working. He looked at me some more and then left the room. I think he was more interested in "where's my dinner?", but I obviously wasn't coherent at the time :>

It occurs to me that I still haven't thanked him properly for yesterday. I'll do that before I go back to bed.

After awhile I got up, brushed my teeth, folded the laundry in the dryer, and shifted the stuff from the washer into the dryer. Then I got on my computer and read manga for awhile, and ate some cottage cheese, which has really been a lifesaver lately. (I need to buy some more!)

Now I think I will give Sean a kiss and go back to bed. I have to be at the hospital at 9 to go to the ear, nose and throat clinic.


Chuck said...

I miss having a washer/dryer in my apartment.

I just bought some new sheets this week (LONG overdue) and I had forgotten how expensive they were. Fortunately I found some decent ones at Target on clearance for 50% off. Still wasn't cheap.

Heather Meadows said...

Yeah, sheets are crazy! I bought some for our second bed not too long ago and tried to save money by getting a low thread count, but now I regret that decision because the sheets get wrinkly really easily and aren't very soft. Oh well, at least I don't normally sleep in that bed :>

Brooke said...

Amen to the cost of linens!! When David and I got the new bed (a "King size" here, is a US "Queen size" but it's still way plenty big and NICE!!) and we needed linens for it, I drug the poor guy through all of the high end department stores in the city center and Meadowhall, and we found everything we needed. Most of the pieces were sets, and were marked down up to 70% off, so I didn't feel QUITE so bad, splurging for the NICE thread count, deep pocket fitted sheets. ;)