Sunday, April 23, 2006

27 Questions

I've seen this one around for awhile. I never did it myself; I found it to be irritating because usually I didn't know the songs that people listed as their answers. Well, now the shoe is on the other foot! Enjoy the following list of songs that you don't know, world.

(Quaisi made me do it.)

Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. Post on your blog.

Will I get far in life?
Planet Dance (Kageyama Hironobu, from Macross: The Tribute)
I'm assuming this is a good sign, even if I don't care for this remake of Planet Dance.

How do my friends see me?
Master of Flame (OC Remix by EvilHorde, from Mega Man 6)
I thought Sean was Hellfire...

Where will I get married?
Cat Blues (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop OST 1)
Swanky! Yeah, I dunno. I got married in a garden.

What is my best friend's theme song?
Memory of Fanelia (Yoko Kanno, Escaflowne OST)
Hmm, I'll have to let Brooke hear this and see what she thinks. It is pretty.

What is the story of my life?
Jingle Bells (midi)

What was high school like?
Ave Maria (as sung by Perry Como)
I don't know about that :>

How can I get ahead in life?
Yuu (NoR, The Legend of Condor Hero OP)
Am I supposed to be taking the names of the songs as the answers, or the messages of the songs?

What is the best thing about me?
Car 24 (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop OST 1)
The best thing about me is my car? Or what?

How is today going to be?
Gemini Salsa (OC Remix by McVaffe, from Mega Man 3)
Hey, I can kick it!

What is in store for this weekend? (Uhh...this is the weekend?)
Tristram (Matt Uelmen, Diablo 2 OST)
So my weekend is going to be a creepy love story. Got it.

What song describes my parents?
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (midi)

My grandparents?
Aquadecadence (OC Remix by analoq, from Super Mario Bros. 3)
Which grandparents is this supposed to describe? All four of them?

How is my life going?
Rhythm Emotion Remix (Two-Mix, from Gundam Wing)
That's pretty cool :)

What song will they play at my funeral?
7 Minutes (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop Knockin' on Heaven's Door OST)
Wow, this song would make for a kind of goth-punk funeral. Or something.

How does the world see me?
No Money (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop Knockin' on Heaven's Door OST)

Will I have a happy life?
Outcast, Unclean (Battlecry)

What do my friends really think of me?
Active Heart (Sakamoto Maaya)
When really my heart is quite inactive.

Do people secretly lust after me?
Opening Run (Hamasaki Ayumi)
That's kind of funny.

How can I make myself happy?
White Reflection (Two-Mix, from Gundam Wing)
If the video is to be believed, I just need to get out of the house every once in awhile to restore my inspiration.

What should I do with my life?
Mystic Eyes (Escaflowne OST, not sure who sings it)
So I should become a psychic?

Will I ever have children?
Goodnight Julia (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop Knockin' on Heaven's Door OST)
Okay, universe, I get the picture.

What is some good advice?
Battle Rocks (OC Remix by AmIEvil for Super Mario Bros. 3)
Hey, that is good advice! @_@

What is my signature dancing song?
Odd Ones (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop Vitaminless)
This actually would be a good song to dance to. Swingdance.

What do I think my current theme song is?
Airwolf Theme

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Bowser is Pissed (OC Remix by PriZm for Super Mario Bros.)
Aw, come on guys...I still love you!

What type of men/women do you like?
Bubble Man (wants to get) Funked Up (OC Remix by Disco Dan for Mega Man 2)
So...are you saying I'm easy?

What did you think of this meme?
Hamduche (Yoko Kanno, Cowboy Bebop Knockin' on Heaven's Door OST)
I have no idea what that means.


Unknown said...

You're right, I didn't know many of the songs, but the titles and your commentary made me ROFL! Emily

Heather Meadows said...

Em: Thanks!

Matt: Yoko Kanno is brilliant :)

What's Inner Universe?

Christopher said...

Man that's hilarious, I gotta do that on mine, will do in a bit or so. But my question is.....

why do you have the Diablo OST on your compy?

That really threw me. o.O;

Heather Meadows said...

Why would it throw you?

A few years back, Sean worked for a company called Mental Soup. When they weren't busy designing websites, they sat around playing Diablo.

I'm not sure if Sean played Diablo because of that, but he certainly did play a lot of Diablo because of that. ;>

In any case, he bought the soundtrack, and I like it :)

Christopher said...

> Why would it throw you?

Well its a weird memory thing I do that's really annoying to me, I don't do it on purpose it just happens. When I get to know someone, there is usually one thing (or a few things) that assigns itself to my memory. For example, when I think "Japanese", "AMRN", "Augusta" (just to name a few) I automatically think you.

Its usually pretty neat to summon up that kind of stuff for when you have tests on names and people (I always aced my history exams, those multi-choice questions were a breeze). But when something is introduced to that person, as in the current example you liking something related to "Diablo", which, in my mind, unconsciously brings up a different group of friends of which there is a Heather that is not you in there.

When that happens, my brain kind of does this weird over lap thing which makes it seem like the two people i know start to over lap, and I have to sit there and untangle the info consciously as well as relearn to assosiate your name with that word.

That's why it threw me. My brain works really weird, I know.

As for Yoko Kano and Inner Universe, he's referring to GitS:SAC (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex) opening theme. Its a very good track, for being mostly in I think either Russian or Greek, I'm not sure exactly which right now kinda late and I need to get up early tomorrow.

Heather Meadows said...

Ah, I never did see that, though I thought about it ;> Cool. Didn't know she did the opening theme.

As for the way your mind works, that's awesome! Neat way to memorize. I have to memorize by repetition. I used to be much better at it, but these days I hardly try at all. I do remember things like how stories are crafted, because I spend a lot of time thinking about that.

Christopher said...

its really cool, but unfortunately doesn't work in Kanji, so learning the 2000 everday is not easy for me. Not only can I not rely on my normal memorization, but i have to relearn everyone else's plus still study japanese like that. Too bad my brain doesn't have a japanese IME installed ;_;