Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My new favorite video

This is so awesome.

(Alternate link, if the embedded player isn't working.) Via Japundit.


Christopher said...

this is by far the coolest thing evar! ^_^ made my day. But what are they saying? Its all katakana, its one of my weakpoints, katakana words.

Heather Meadows said...

According to Japundit, they're saying "Pythagorean Switch". I'm guessing that's the name of the skit.

The katakana is ピタゴラスイッチ. I would never have guessed that pitagora was Pythagorean, but hey.

Japundit says these are from a children's show.

I love the music!

Heather Meadows said...

I'd like to translate the song they sing in the one just past the middle of the file, because it seems that they are singing about what's happening to the ball. I heard them say it "disappeared", and "just wait" at the point where you couldn't see the ball.

Then at the end they said that was the 41st Pythagorean Switch. (Actually they called it pita, but you knew what they meant ;>)

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool if you mute the sound. :D

Heather Meadows said...

Aw, man, the music is awesome!

Shafa said...

I watched the whooooole thing...

And I felt like I had just dropped an unsafe quantity of acid.

My brain a-splode.

Christopher said...

ah, very cool ^.^ We need to find the lyrics to that song so we can translate it, although my japanese is not very good. Something to work on, ne?

Heather Meadows said...

Shafa: My work here is done.

Jair: What, you mean you can't transcribe it?!?!?!?

Seriously, transcribing is teh hard, but it's good listening practice. I usually end up transcribing in romaji and then trying to figure out what the hell it's actually saying later, though, so it might not be as useful as I think.

Christopher said...

my Japanese transcribing skills are teh suxorz, but we can still try if ya want. My friend Chiho says I should believe in myself more, but its hard to say whether or not I'm actually "good" at it.