Monday, September 10, 2007

Beauty secrets revealed

My Boss: Hey, I like your hair! What'd you do differently?

Me: I took a bath, then slept on it.


Chuck said...

You should have told your boss you worked on your hair all night long.

Heather Meadows said...

haha :D

Well, I kind of like my anti-girly girl personality, especially working in television, surrounded by women and men who primp and preen ;D

(I also love telling them that I don't watch TV--which is true, though I do watch TV shows on DVD)

Brooke said...

I admire how you could do that, then tell someone that's what you did. I'm NOT trying to be snotty or whatnot, and you know that; I'm being serious. I'm one who can't leave the house without her hair being "just right." I actually walked to the little village next to ours today, to pick up a few things we needed from the grocery store, and amazingly enough, I didn't rub wax all over my hair like usual, but actually left the house with it looking slept on. It wasn't so bad, but eh, I felt weird.

You must just have good hair to do that with; also, how did it look much different than it usually does? You're already lucky enough to have low maintenance hair. I SWEAR, the SHORTER mine gets, the MORE MAINTENANCE it needs! I like it being all spikey, though, with the soft bit in the front; I have a fondness for barrettes. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

I am pretty lucky with my hair. It's thin and straight, so I can just wash and go usually. Back in Kentucky I could get away without washing it every day, but here in Georgia I can't do that--it just looks nappy.

On the downside, my hair will not hold a perm, and certainly won't stay curled for longer than an hour or so. It also doesn't have much (read: any) body.

I don't know what was different about it, to be honest. I think maybe the color has been enhanced by all the baths I've been taking? Really, I have no idea.

Barrettes are awesome. Normal flat ones slide right out of my hair, but I like cute little shaped clips :)

Anonymous said...

'Back in Kentucky I could get away without washing it every day, but here in Georgia I can't do that--it just looks nappy.'

Hm, just how do YOU define nappy?

Heather Meadows said...

When my hair is nappy, it's dirty and clumpy.