Saturday, April 15, 2006

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

I watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children today. (Finally.)

I can't say I understood everything that went on--while I did watch AJ play VII, I don't remember much about the story or the ending--but ultimately it was comprehensible enough. For a dead chick, Aeris sure does have a lot of lines. ;>

There were some crazy-cool fight scenes in this movie. The first scene was awesome because it featured the original battle music--and then the bad guy's ringtone was the music they play when you win. That cracked me up.

But the two major battles at the end were the best--first with the creature, then with the main-bad-guy-who-I-won't-reveal-but-you-can-probably-guess.

I was very happy when Cloud decided to stop feeling sorry for himself.

Cool thing: At one point, I thought to myself, "Cloud sounds like Yuuri." Well, what do you know. I think Sakurai Takahiro is my favorite voice actor :>

Final note: Tifa kicks ass.


Christopher said...

Tifa is my 2nd Video Game heroine of all time. She wasn't a weak little healer, she was a frontline fighter who wasn't afraid to dish out a little ass kickin' while looking as hot as can be.

I'm glad they made her look less like a barmaid in the movie, which was nice. Hey, even though she has a nice rack, at least she knows when be more modest with them (especially in a fight, since a little wife beater shirt rips easy) My only complaint is that she didn't do enough fighting in this one, I think. Her own fight segment was awesome, but i wanted to see more.

Oh, and on a tangent last note, my fave video game heroine is Elhaym van Houten from Xenogears, but that's a story for another time.

Christopher said...

The 1st line of the second paragraph is kinda redundant, I meant to say "It was nice that they made her look less like a barmaid. For that I'm glad." or something to that effect, with my cousins here, I lost track of what I was writing when I looked over to see what they wanted, so I didn't get coherent thought in that one. My apologies

Heather Meadows said...

I agree that Tifa could have done more in the last half of the movie. After her initial fight scene, she just turned into a foil to get Cloud to get over himself, and otherwise mainly stood around looking pretty.

I did like seeing everyone on the airship, though. :D